martes, 5 de julio de 2016


Diviértete y aprende inglés con está canción sobre el tiempo. Una canción que puedes usar como rutina diaria y que ayudará a conocer los diferentes tiempos climáticos.

How's the weather?
How's the weather?
How's the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How's the weather today?

Let's look outside.
How's the weather?
Is it sunny today?

Let's look outside.
How's the weather?
Is it rainy today?

Let's look outside.
How's the weather?
Is it cloudy today?

Let's look outside.
Is it snowy today?

How's the weather?
How's the weather?
How's the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How's the weather today?

Autor: Super Simply Songs.
Licencia:Youtube estándar.

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